IP – Intellectual Property
This is how you keep imitators and competitors at bay: We advise you on which IP rights are optimal for your product. We draw up applications and represent you in proceedings before the European Patent Office and the German Patent and Trade Mark Office.
- Patents for technical innovations (products and processes)
- Utility models: Quick alternative to the patent
- Designs: External appearance of products
- Trademarks: Indication of origin of goods and services

Advice on IP rights
Moving a lot means making some noise – We supports you in not violating the IP rights of others while maintaining optimal room for maneuver. At the same time, we manage your company’s IP rights comprehensively and efficiently, and we don’t lose sight of the competition either.
- FTO (Freedom-to-Operate) expert opinions
- IP management
- Competition monitoring
Enforcement and defense
Some imitators are perfect at reproducing successful products almost immediately. We consistently implements the entire range of IP rights enforcement. Conversely, we represent your interests if you are accused of infringing IP rights.
- Coordination of international procedures
- Representation before all relevant bodies (courts, European Patent Office, national patent offices)

Patent strategies
Patents are of enormous economic importance. With us you are always one step ahead. Applying a holistic approach and novel methods, we support your company in developing maximum innovative power, thus ensuring future business success.
- Proactive patent scouting
- White spot analyses
- Employee invention compensation
- Licensing of IP rights
IP rating
Your company or parts thereof are to be sold? We support you in determining the qualitative, strategic, and monetary potential of your IP portfolio. In addition, we examine possible risks from licensing agreements, the ownership of IP rights, and possible employee rights.
- Due diligence of the IP portfolio
- Risk analyses
- Evaluation of market opportunities

Trademark law
Brands are powerful. They influence our purchasing decisions, arouse emotions and create trust. A strong brand gives your products and services identity and value. We are your expert for trademark protection. We provide strategic advice – from the conception and registration of trademarks to legal enforcement on a national and international level.
- Content and geographic search
- Trademark registration
- Monitoring and enforcement